Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cold Ice Tea

      Hello Friends,
The ice tea will be waiting...
and the lounge chairs.....

and the table is set....

we might have pizza for dinner on the good china...

or we might eat by candlelight, but still pizza....

there will be pretty flowers to look at as we dine....

and if you get hot, you can sit under the umbrella....

I think I am ready to entertain for the summer!!!

I so wish Mrs. Walker would have taken these pics, there was a glare on them for some reason, and her pics just make everything so much prettier!! Oh well, you get the idea of what it looks like! I might just have to get a better camera, any suggestions???

Looking forward to a pool party soon!!!


  1. Oh, Heather, it is BeauTIful!!!!!!!! So, so pretty!!!! Hey, save me a glass of that tea and I'll take a few pics for you.... :)

  2. Looks like Restorations Harware or Ballards. Great job, I would not even tempt to put plates on my patio. Lauren would break them for sure. I love it, great job. I wish I could come over (:

  3. I'll be right over! Save a glass of sweet tea for me! :)
