Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Date Night

      Friday was a date night for Eric and Madison. The church held their annual father-daughter date night and they had a really great time!! It was western themed. I think this is such a great thing for them. Eric took Madi on their first date a month ago and she loved it! So she was so excited to get to do it again.
Madison and Eric

Miss Madison, she wore a white sundress and brown cowboy boots. I tried to get her to wear her cowboy hat, but she didn't want too. But she looked just beautiful to me! :)

They had a bar-b-q dinner and they even got to ride horses! I am so glad that her and her daddy are close! She thinks the world of him and so does he of her.
Good Times!

1 comment:

  1. She is such a pretty girl, I remember her when she was a little toddler (: So cute!
